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  • WHY?



    We are a Teesside cottage business on the outskirts of Darlington started and run by wife and husband team of Jung Eun and Paul. We are both passionate about health and wellbeing with interests ranging from science to traditional ancestral foods and cooking techniques. We believe that a seasonal, slow-food omnivorous diet that is "nose to tail" in its use of local produce is the way to a healthy existence in balance with nature. Supplements are out, real food is in!

    Jung Eun is from South Korea and has a long history of making traditional Korean foods including kimchi and Seollungtang, a traditional Korean bone broth. In fact the recipes we use at DR GUS have been passed down through Jung Eun's family for several generations. When not making bone broth Jung Eun's passion is to travel and explore traditional foods and their impact on health. Jung Eun has a degree in English Literature and a degree in History, and she enjoys nothing more than researching the history of foods and diet in different populations. Jung Eun regularly updates her core skills by taking classes in traditional cooking methods wherever she travels. She passionately wants to introduce British people to Korean traditional slow foods to reduce waste and cost and increase health.

    Paul, who has a Ph.D in physiology and is a published research scientist with more than 30 research papers and patents, turned his scientific attention to nutrition and lifestyle because of family illness. In 2011 Paul had microfracture knee surgery due to damage caused whilst playing sport. Jung Eun placed him on a diet of bone broth leading to a rapid and full recovery. They also noticed other benefits including improved gut health and younger looking skin. As a physiologist Paul was intrigued by this and began looking into the science of bone broth. He soon discovered that it would be difficult to study whole broth as all broths are different, but that the nutritional components of bone broth had been studied, some extensively. They began sharing their bone broth with friends and family and very quickly they could hardly keep up with demand, so enlisted the local council for support in turning their little cottage production line into a family business. The products you read about here are the result.

    Jung Eun and Paul are also passionate about the environment and believe regenerative agriculture to be a huge step forwards in normalising carbon in the environment through natural means with built in feedback loops. Regenerating top soil through the use of plants and animals is the only way to combine the goals of environmental and personal health. Animal use should be sacred as practised by all indiginous cultures where animals are killed as required and the animal is used nose to tail, for nutrition and clothing as examples. Nothing should ever be wasted. DR GUS Bone Broths, Organ Meat Capsules and Tallow Skin Care are all by-products from animals to ensure that there is no wastage from any animal slaughtered for food. This also provides additional revenue for farms where animal welfare is the primary concern.

    Personal and environmental health are two pillars of DR GUS and all product decisions are made on this basis. Together Jung Eun and Paul help people locally with free nutritional advice and cost effective nutritional products.

    Our Mission

    To reintroduce bone products as a normal and natural part of a healthy diet. To enable and encourage the utilisation of a traditional staple food back into the modern diet. To encourage and assist people to recover their own health.